Friday, April 27, 2007

PLACE a tell-a-friend-script on your site

Place a tell a friend script on your site. This is a script that will enable someone visiting your site to refer other people to your site. If you want to see what it looks like go to one of my sites, The script is free and you will need a bit of help putting the code into your web page.
But I have learned that that is not too hard. All you do is cut and paste the code they give you and either call up your webmaster or go to the page with all the funny looking code and pop it right in.
Let me share a tip someone told me: If you can find a place on your site you recognize in the code you can click your mouse and paste the code right in there.
But do not get hung up on how to do it. Just cut and paste the code and find someone to help.
I just want you to focus on what the referrals to your site can do to increase the traffic to your site.
The more traffic the more people will read your articles,view your products and hopefully HIRE YOU TO SPEAK!

PS I did not tell you where to get the script. Go to

Monday, April 23, 2007

Powerful Pauses

When was the last time you found yourself hanging on the words of a speaker?
If you want to add more power to your keynote or workshop presentations learn how to PAUSE.
You can pause after you have made a point to allow it to marinate in the minds of your listeners. You can also pause before you continue your presentation to arouse the anticipation of your listener.

Pausing is a skill. Like all skills it takes practice.

Consider practicing the following:

1. Pause before you say anything at the beginning of your presentation for a few seconds. Center yourself , breath and make eye contact with your audience.

2.Pause about a few seconds after you tell the punch line of a joke, make a startling statement, or make a call to action.

3. Pause as you make a change from one topic to the next.

Remember also, that pauses should be used instead of filler words like uhms or ok, and everything, etc.
Do not be afraid of the silence it is a rare event these days and your audience will appreciate it.


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Pick Your Words Carefully

As presenters our words must be well chosen. Often this involves a careful analysis of our audience as well as a focus on our own values. If we, for example, include casual words that are perhaps ok in our own personal world but offensive and harmful to members of our audience our message is LOST.
It is also critical that we are not using slang terms that may be taken in a literal manner with some members of our audience. For example, If we say "Christmas is right around the corner" someone not familiar with that term may look around the corner.
That may sound silly but the point is to carefully consider our word choice so that our important messages are not lost.
I am on a real campaign now and have set up an one page web site Even if folks just see the url it is my hope that it drives home a message about our words and the impact on others
I am also writing lots of articles on verbal abuse and hope to compile them for a booklet.
Speakers, you hold so much power on that platform. We must not abuse it!

Rosie Horner

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Presenter-Protect Your Material

Speaker #1 wrote a poem to close his keynote. He gave permission to the client to record the keynote. His permission did not include the rights to the poem that was distributed throughout the client's company and printed in their annual report with an anon. author.

Speaker #2 self-published a book. Whereas, she put the copyright symbol on the book she never sent it to the copyright office. Huge excerpts were used from her book in a publication. However, she could not legally do anything because she did not formally compyright her intellectual property.

Speaker #3 came up with a really captivating blog name. It was so good that a large company decided to create a website with the same name. The name of her blog was hosted by her blogging service but it was not a domain name she owned.

All of the above, and they are more, needed to protect their material.
If you need to get a cd, book, book series, or anything you have created, copywrite protected go to to download the correct form.

It is worth the small investment to legally be able to go after anyone on or off the web who may have used your stuff without permission.


Thursday, April 05, 2007

Publish Articles Using Great Tools from Jeff Herring

I love the excitement of seeing my articles on the internet! I had set a goal for 100 by October and proud of my current 38. But when I read about Jeff Herring, THE ARTICLE GUY, I was super inspired by his accomplishment of 780 in one year!
I plan to get some of his template tools, listen to his free teleseminars and already signed up for his newsletter.
If you want to hop on the bandwagon with me check out his site.

Meanwhile, start writing!!

Your Idea Coach