Friday, October 06, 2006


There are a lot of printers and publishing houses out there if you want to self publish. I really encourage you to visit for super resources. Some publishing houses will do everything for you except marketing.
Many people will read Dan Poynters book, Self Publishing Manual or The Complete Guide to Self Publishing , by Tom and Marlyn Ross. Both are excellent. DO NOT GO TO THE LIBRARY FOR THEM-YOU NEED YOUR OWN COPIES FOR REFERENCE.Also, consider for print on demand. Many people are using it. If you have other resources please make a comment.
Some printers will even make the postcards for you and give place the bar codes on the books. Take your time to submit the info and gather your prices. Take advantage of the competition out there. Some printers will send you free self publishing kits.
I suggest developing a worksheet that you can record all of your comments for each printer you submit a request for price to. Also, ask each printer to send you a sample of thier work.
You may get a lot of free books(smile).
I would also suggest you get a copy of Writers Marketplace if you want to submit your material for publication by someone else. There is also a Photographer Marketplace for submitting photos!

I will be sharing more. And I look forward to your resources.
Your Idea Coach

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