Saturday, March 10, 2007

Push Yourself Beyond Yourself

I do not believe in comparing yourself to anyone else. But I do believe in pushing yourself beyond what you "feel" you are capable of doing. As speakers, we should look for opportunities to go beyond our current boundaries.

Look for creative ways to improve our message and how we deliver it.
For example, if we tell stories, consider ways to improve our already excellent delivery.
For example,investing in material from Doug Stevenson,, an expert in storytelling would be an excellent start. I have some of his material and have practiced some of the techniques. Yet it is time to consider going to one of his retreats in the future. I am very good. But I want to be great!

For some of us an acting class and stage techniques could improve our keynote delivery. Even revisiting Public Speaking Basics by going back to, or joining Toastmasters International, can sharpen already good skills. It will even help as you evaluate other speakers.

Bottom line is DO NOT GROW STALE. Go beyond your own boundaries and excel!

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