Sunday, December 17, 2006

Promote with online articles-3 Benefits

Take the time to write articles for online submission. There are 3 main reasons I am suggesting this:
1. if you have not written that speech or created that presentation writing an article will help you to focus on your direction. Of course you will keep your audience in mind and craft a message just for them. Of course you have more than one message so that means more that one article.
Just think that article will be viewed by thousands of people. As you check your statistics you will discover several things. It will show you the number of people who have viewed your article, how many have emailed it to someone else, who has posted a comment and if anyone bothered to rank it.
This is great information for you. Now you know which articles are getting viewed based on the title and short description. Could it be possible that naming your keynote speech or workshop with the same title might work after all?
I have only named one benefit. There are more.
Bottom line this is a powerful tool to keep your disciplined, researched and productive.

2. It can place you in the seach engines by using the power of your resource box. Place your links in that box with specific calls to action directing folks to your websites or blogs.
3. You will be more disciplined with your writing. By doing this on a regular basis you are gearing up to write that first or next book.
Of course there are more benefits but wanted to share these with you first.
Have fun and let me know how it is working for you.
Personally, I have been using and currently 12 live articles. However, my goal is to have 30 by the end of January, 2007. The article with the most views has a number in the title!!!!!!!! What does that tell ya?
I am considering turning that one into a teleseminar and workshop topic.
Ezine submission sites I know of right now. I will be taking the time to submit articles to each one of them. And yes, you can use the same article.