Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Pick Your Words Carefully

As presenters our words must be well chosen. Often this involves a careful analysis of our audience as well as a focus on our own values. If we, for example, include casual words that are perhaps ok in our own personal world but offensive and harmful to members of our audience our message is LOST.
It is also critical that we are not using slang terms that may be taken in a literal manner with some members of our audience. For example, If we say "Christmas is right around the corner" someone not familiar with that term may look around the corner.
That may sound silly but the point is to carefully consider our word choice so that our important messages are not lost.
I am on a real campaign now and have set up an one page web site www.wordscanhurtorheal.com. Even if folks just see the url it is my hope that it drives home a message about our words and the impact on others
I am also writing lots of articles on verbal abuse and hope to compile them for a booklet.
Speakers, you hold so much power on that platform. We must not abuse it!

Rosie Horner

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