Thursday, October 26, 2006

Put Issues in Postive Perspective-Thinking

It seems that lately I have met with barriers that make me want to dwell on giving up some of my current goals and dreams. But I started practicing what I preach and turned some things around. For example, a critical person I depend on to help with some business goals has not been available. Yet, during that time I have created new avenues to get the job done.
I have misplaced something needed to complete a project. Yet, it is providing me with more planning time before launching.
An inmoble arm, my mouse button, was out of commission for several days. Yet, the slowdown both mentally and ph ysically was needed for recharging.
So much can go on in your mind when you are building a business. Your mind can get cluttered with frustrations, disappointments and barriers. So much you do not have control over. I am reading a wonderful classic by Rev. Robert Schuler(ms) called Tough Times Never Last but Tough People Do!!
Super wow. Reading inspirational books really help as well as encouraging words.
The point is ISSUES will always be there. They are like giants . But even giants can be brought down to size.
So, when you get those times when you want to cash it all in, take some time to re-evaluate, re-purpose and renew your dreams with even greater determination to succeed.

Monday, October 23, 2006


I just listened to an excellent teleseminar by Joan Stewart. If you are already a member of NSA you should know her. But if you are not please get to know her work.
She offers volumes of information on publicity that will knock your socks off.
check out her site at and blog at
You will not regret it. As a matter of fact please take a few nano seconds to post a comment and let me know.

Friday, October 20, 2006


One of the most focused ways to produce a product is when you are under pressure to have it ready for a presentaion. I enjoy thinking of something creative and different that can be done by the time I am scheduled to conduct a retreat, workshop or keynote. I am especially motivated if the presentation is not producing a fee.
When you are not going to get a fee for a presentation there is even more of a reason to create a video or audio product.
For example, I was asked to do a keynote for a non-profit organization. They paid for my expenses but did not have a budget for a speaker or learning tools. I taped myself and produced a product which contained a copy of a poem I wrote and read, motivational poster, cd, and encouragement greeting card.
Other times I have interviewed an expert and produced an audio product to share with participants in my workshop. That was done for a staff retreat and included in the overall price for the retreat package.
Overall, there are lots of things you can do. So remember pump out a product for your next presentation!


Sunday, October 15, 2006


Under the heading of practice I want to include the critical presentation skills we need to work on until we stop speaking! Diane Diresta, who gave us a powerful closing presentation, was just interviewed on an internet radio show called the Coaching Show on October 4. I thought it would be great to post the link to her powerful interview by Diane Diresta on the blog. Also, she has some real meaty tips on her business presentation blog.
I will post again, I hope, under this topic area. Meanwhile, keep practicing your platform skills whenever and wherever you can.
Yes, that includes crowed elevators! (Smile)

Monday, October 09, 2006


I recently listened to an excellent cd from the Orlando NSA conference by Richard Parker, His focus was on product development and using an IRA to fund it. He also has a site called
There are a large number of financial experts in NSA. If you go to and do a search on financial and tax planning (As of today Oct. 9) you will get 76 profiles and websites of experts who speak on the topic.
The bottom line is all of us, if possible, should be contributing part of our business revenue into some kind of IRA or other retirement savings program.
You can also set up a system to invest portions of sales from products to produce more product.
Of course we should be paying ourselves a salary from any revenue we receive if working the speaking business even part time.
If you are still working part time or full time to keep the bills paid. I suggest starting a savings account that will pay your mortgage(or rent) and payments for your benefits when you are first starting your speaking business FULL TIME.
But try to avoid the temptation to borrow from yourself unless you have a systematic plan for repayment.
I am not a financial guru but I enjoy reading the Wall Street Journal to keep up with financial trends. This speaker business is a BUSINESS and needs a constant review of resources, revenue and return on investment.
I would be interested in hearing ways others are paying themselves.

Your Idea Coach

Friday, October 06, 2006


There are a lot of printers and publishing houses out there if you want to self publish. I really encourage you to visit for super resources. Some publishing houses will do everything for you except marketing.
Many people will read Dan Poynters book, Self Publishing Manual or The Complete Guide to Self Publishing , by Tom and Marlyn Ross. Both are excellent. DO NOT GO TO THE LIBRARY FOR THEM-YOU NEED YOUR OWN COPIES FOR REFERENCE.Also, consider for print on demand. Many people are using it. If you have other resources please make a comment.
Some printers will even make the postcards for you and give place the bar codes on the books. Take your time to submit the info and gather your prices. Take advantage of the competition out there. Some printers will send you free self publishing kits.
I suggest developing a worksheet that you can record all of your comments for each printer you submit a request for price to. Also, ask each printer to send you a sample of thier work.
You may get a lot of free books(smile).
I would also suggest you get a copy of Writers Marketplace if you want to submit your material for publication by someone else. There is also a Photographer Marketplace for submitting photos!

I will be sharing more. And I look forward to your resources.
Your Idea Coach

Monday, October 02, 2006


This morning I received the notice below in my email on ad tracking. Now, do not get intimidated by this but please keep this info. Once you put up your website and start selling products you will need to keep track of your promotional ads.
This is great information and a powerful tool.
So, read the info below. keep this advanced info in mind when you start to sell products on your site.
The info comes from Practice Pay Solutions. They provide resources for merchant accounts as well as a shopping cart. I am currently on the 30 day trail period for the cart and already using the merchant account.
But let me tell you a SECRET. The shopping cart they use is This is the same cart as kickstartcart and the same as webmagic. The owners of them have paid for private labeling which you can do also if you have the money.
You decision as to which one to choose should be based on your relationship with them and support you can receive beyond the support the cart provides.
For example, if you are already in the Tom Antion network you might, of course, use his cart. I am in both networks with practice pay and Antion. But I also get a lot with Fred Gleek. All three. plus others I did not mention, add value. In a later posting I may talk about internet marketing but there is sooo much I am still learning. ANYWAY BACK TO AD TRACKING
Cut and paste
the link below for more info.

Dear Rosemary:

What is an Ad Tracker?

An Ad Tracker tracks the effectiveness of your ads. It will tell
you how much traffic you are getting whenever you place a
reciprocal link to someone's site or whenever you place an ad

A system that tracks ad click-throughs is a very useful tool, but
nothing new to the Web. Professional Cart Solutions goes much further, and tracks
your click-throughs, and Sales per Click! It will even automatically
apply a Coupon Discount for everyone who clicks through. This makes
our Ad Tracker head-and-shoulders above what most other similar
systems have to offer.

You can even use the Ad Tracker to track impressions (the number
of times your ad is displayed on a website; sometimes called
?page views?).

Furthermore, the Ad Tracker is campaign-specific. This means
you can track your ads on multiple sites simultaneously. So, for
example, if you have three ads: two banner ads, one with Giant Ad
Company costing $50, and one on Link Exchange costing $85,
plus a pay-per-click listing on (5 cents per click),
you can track all three for clicks and sales-per-click.

The ratio of the number of click-throughs on
an ad to the number of sales generated by that ad is called a
conversion rate. The Ad Tracker displays this rate for you

In our example above, let's say your Giant Ad Company banner generates 2000 click-throughs, and 2 sales, at a
total cost of $50; your Link Exchange ad generates only 200
click-throughs but 20 sales, at a total cost of $85; and your listing generates 400 clicks and 10 sales at a total
cost of $20. Judging by clicks alone, you would think the Giant
Ad Company banner is the best ad ? but the Ad Tracker will display
conversion rates of 0.1%, 10%, and 2.5% for these three ads.

The Giant Ad Company ad, though generating thousands of click-
throughs, has a tiny conversion rate compared to the Link
Exchange banner ad, and your listing is also much better.

In this case, you would obviously drop the Giant Ad Company, and
maybe consider paying a higher listing rate on for
even more hits, since the cost for those sales was quite low.
So already the Ad Tracker would be helping you focus your
advertising for maximum cost-effectiveness.

How does it work? Simply create a new Ad Tracker counter on our
server which points back to your site. Whenever you place any
online ads, instead of pointing the link directly back to your
site, you should direct it to the Ad Tracker. That way we can
report to you how many actual visitors are coming to your site
via that link.

How do I get it? To use an Ad Tracker, simply log into your account
and click on Ad Tracker.

You will find more information about setting up an Ad Campaign
by clicking on User Guide within the system or by going to


Professional Cart Solutions