Thursday, May 03, 2007

Peek at other people's stuff

I just reviewed a good presentation tip sheet from Channing Bete. I thought the layout was good and of course the information was relevant. You can get a copy by going to their site or just email me at and I will shoot one out to you.

As you look at this tip sheet think about repeating a similar layout with your own information.
Ask several questions: What size fonts did they use? How much space was used? Will this work for my target market? Will I use a table on the right with info about other resources? Are there some good tips I can share on my health message that will capture the interest of my audience? WHAT IS IT I LIKE? WHAT IS IT I DO NOT LIKE?

From now one I encourage you to gather materials that capture your attention, (Not for clutter purposes-smile) and keep them in a special file. Refer to this file when you are getting ready to prepare a flyer, tip sheet, etc for ideas.
I will be sharing more on this later.

Rosie Horner

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